Friday 22 June 2012


Image taken from: Maiden Jane

Hello and welcome to my new blog! Whether you meant to stumble upon this or not, hi :)


My name is Sarah-Rose I'm a 20 (almost 21 - eek) year old student living in London. I'm a perpetual Fashion Intern and Fashion Editor of my University Magazine.


This Sarah-Rose Sews... blog will be the sister site to my Sarah-Rose Goes blog. Where I will be posting projects and how-to-guides for little sewing and knitting ventures.


Creating a site from which I can share and showcase my creative concepts and constructs has been something I've wanted to do for a very long time. In senior school I created a book which I filled with drawings of things I'd designed, fabrics, magazine cuttings and pictures which inspired me. For this entire year I have wanted to properly commence this idea.

I mentioned on my other blog (here) about a book I'd purchased and how I desperately wanted to be more physically creative - I feel both my degree and hectic lifestyle restrict this significantly. Sadly this post was in January and despite my lovely boyfriend purchasing me a mini sewing machine and deluxe sewing kit I've not had a spare moment to use them.


I'm going to be realistic and aim to complete a project a month. Any more and that will be a lovely bonus! I've taken on a lot of responsibilities in my what's about to be my final year at University and I need to prioritise my course - whilst being involved with some side interests to maintain my sanity.